Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Single Life at 50: Is being single all it's crack up to be? Sometimes...

The Single Life at 50: Is being single all it's crack up to be? Sometimes...: "Being Single at a certain age is good, You've been down plenty of roads, You've been there done that, But is it really all that, i would sa..."

Is being single all it's crack up to be? Sometimes

Being Single at a certain age is good, You've been down plenty of roads, You've been there done that, But is it really all that, i would say in the begining after coming out of a crazy relationship, you need that down time to re group. But after a while you get to the point where you want somebody to share things with. You dont want to put every man in the same category, so you try not to judge him by what your ex- did. Its hard to find somebody that likes what you like or share the same views as you do, Of course you will not agree on everything, but you can agree to disagree. Sometimes I am glad I am single when i hear of the crazy stuff that goes on in a relationship, domestic violence, Cheaters, Its indeed crazy out there..But at the end of the day, What is important, Am I happy? I mean when I unlock the door to my house and walk in there is no drama no hurt feelings no one to ask you where you been babe? I would like to hear, Did you have a good time Babe, How was your day out with your friends..Where did that type of love go?

The single life has it good points and bad like everything else in life. Which do I prefer? hmmmm..I think i rather find a soul mate.. sure he wont be perfect, but he will love me for who I am, and i will do the same..In the meantime..I'm good